Resources for Infertility
Not very much brought about feeling understood more than reading about other's journeys through infertility. Some blogs and books I read had neatly tied together endings where the couple conceived a child, and others were still on this journey to grow a family. Often, I didn't have any new revelations by reading these books or blogs, but the feeling of being understood, knowing I wasn't crazy, and identifying with someone else in their struggle was really comforting. I came across some great books and blogs. I also came across some terrible books and blogs. I'm going to make a list at the end of this post about great resources, so stay until the end! What I would consider a good book/blog about infertility is one that doesn't make you feel shame about your experiences or reactions. Also, if the book/blog related their infertility back to their spiritual walk, I cared about how they saw infertility through their theology. I am NO master of understanding the t...